Terms & Conditions
This web site (www.ezbob.com) is operated by ezbob Ltd., registered in England, company registration number 7852687. Registered office: 120 New Cavendish Street, London WIW XX, United Kingdom.
ezbob and ezbob.com are also trading styles of ezbob UK LIMITED, registered in England, company registration number 8152728. Registered office: 120 New Cavendish Street, London WIW XX, United Kingdom. ezbob UK LIMITED is authroised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for lending formed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (as amended). Firm Reference Number 673661
Our Privacy Policy & Cookies forms part of these terms and conditions and together they form a binding agreement governing the use of this website.
Variation of terms & conditions
We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time, and the amended terms will be posted on this website. Any revised terms shall take effect as at the date when the change is made to this website.
Materials in site and software rights
All copyrights, trademarks, patents, design rights, and other intellectual property rights relating to this website (including, but not limited to, the underlying software, the design, graphics, layout, feel, and structure of our websites) will be and remain the sole property of us and our licensors. You may view, use, download, and store the material on this website for personal and research use only. Commercial use is not permitted. Redistributing, republishing, copying, adapting or otherwise making material on this website available to third parties is prohibited. You may view, use, download, and store the material on this website for personal and research use only. Commercial use is not permitted. Redistributing, republishing, copying, adapting or otherwise making material on this website available to third parties is prohibited. The information in this website is given in good faith and for general information and interest only. It is subject to change without notice. We make every effort to ensure that the information on our websites is correct, but we cannot guarantee that it is 100% free of inaccuracies, errors and omissions.
Our liability
The use of the website and the materials contained in it are entirely at your own risk. We shall not be liable for any losses or damages, whether direct or indirect, consequential or otherwise that you may suffer as a result of your use of the website, including but not limited to computer service or system failure, access delays or interruption, data non-delivery or mis-delivery, computer viruses or other harmful components, breaches of security or unauthorized use of the system arising from “hacking” or otherwise or your reliance on the information contained on the website. These terms and conditions do not exclude our liability (if any) to you for personal injury or death resulting from our negligence, or for any matter which it would be illegal for us to attempt to exclude its liability and do not affect your statutory rights. Our websites may contain links to other sites, which are outside our control and are not covered by these terms and conditions. If you access other sites using the links provided, we cannot be responsible for the content of those sites or for the way in which they deal with you or use any information they may acquire about you. Arrangements made between you and any third party named or referred to on the website are entirely at your sole risk and responsibility.
Your liability
You shall compensate us in full if we incur any losses or if any claims or legal proceedings are brought or threatened against us by any other person arising from your use of our website. Governing law This Agreement is deemed to be made in England and is subject to English law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.